Blog | Technology
9th October,   2024
Anubhuti Sharma has been an architect in the industry for years and has extensive experience managing and delivering complex systems. She has extensive experience designing and providing business-critical digital transformation initiatives for various clients in the healthcare, finance, telecommunication, and aviation industries. An excellent communicator and mentor, Anubhuti fosters cross-functional collaboration, drives strategic decisions, and ensures seamless project execution. Her conviction is that each team member has a unique ability to excel, provided project leadership recognizes and nurtures it.
Have you ever had to work on a web application and deploy it to a shared or private cloud and end up spending most of the time dealing with deployment and infrastructure instead of working on the code? That’s just how the world of software development has worked until recently. Typically, you must install and configure your server environment and spend a long time dealing with complex infrastructure before you can even write a line of code. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a tool that let you focus on the fun part: just writing code? Well, now there is. Enter the serverless framework. It is an open-source cloud managed services toolkit that takes care of infrastructure for you so that development teams can focus entirely on writing code. What does using it mean? Simple. Automatically scale your application based on demand, so it scales up and down without you having to manage capacity and pay only for what they used. This is the value proposition of the serverless framework.
In this fast-paced age of technology, there is an ever-growing need for tools to optimize rapid innovation. The serverless framework is a crucial solution to meet this demand. Whether you’re a small startup looking to ship products faster or a large corporation wanting to work quicker and reduce operational costs, the serverless framework may have you covered. For applications that are event-driven, microservices-based, or need to be developed rapidly, or for any other use case, the serverless framework is guaranteed to help you simplify development, scale, and keep deployment costs lower. However, other solutions may be more suitable for long-running tasks or applications with consistent workloads.
One cannot attempt to appreciate how the serverless framework works without striving to tear it apart as it is. Consider the web browser a medium for users to interact with the application, whether on a regular computer or a smartphone. Such a medium makes requests to the API Gateway, which acts as an efficient and advanced broker of the requests and routes them to the appropriate Lambda functions. Such lambda functions are agile personnel who can perform several tasks when triggered by different events and can scale up or down when the usage demand changes. Lastly, the database or datastore contains information effectively for proprietary reasons as it enhances the action of storing new data and retrieving it fast.
Now, to show some of the features or applications of the serverless framework, let us think about a photo-sharing application. After a user selects an option to upload a photo from one’s web browser, then a request is sent to the proposed API gateway. This request is sent to a Lambda function that performs photo editing and resizing, followed by uploading the photos to an object storage Amazon EC2. Another Lambda function is required to insert any detail of the image uploaded and provide an efficient structure for the news database without damaging the previous post.